Saturday, February 29, 2020

The Hobbit, Supreme Ordeal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Hobbit, Supreme Ordeal - Essay Example Tasha Martin, the author builds the character in a series of hero journey steps that ultimately points out to the common path of heroes in the narrative. Bilbo lives a lavish life, enjoying seven meals per day, in this narrative; he wins this honor through a series of the ordeal that persistently depict his ultimate courage, pride, and persistence. His ordeal begins when he refuses to go with the wizard on adventure despite the arrival of the thirteen dwarves. In this episode, the wizard had tried his best to plead with him to accompany him on an adventure, after this he noticed that his mentor convinced him to accompany him for the adventure after the dwarves had gone (Tolkien 35). Initially, he is convinced that respectable Hobbits like him should not go for adventure. Elrond remarks â€Å"Ah, I shant be missed,† and Bilbo reply â€Å"The truth is most of them don’t think I should be on this journey,† reveals how other characters detested his presence in the journey. However, the change of mind to pursue dwarves becomes one of the biggest ordeal in his journey to be a hero. Later on, he realized that he had erred in judgment and decided to pursue the dwarves. On this journey, he meets both allies and enemies. It became a journey that shaped his personal stature and rise to be a recognized hero. Arguably, his pursuit of the dwarves is the best moment that helps bring out his heroism. Evidently, the most important event was the trial with the three trolls, the giant spiders and Gollum. Although he had encountered a number of trials during his pursuit, this special trial almost broke his stature.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Diversity Within Organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Diversity Within Organizations - Essay Example So this paper is aimed at finding valid answers to many different questions about diversity in the work settings. Globalization is fostering a world of diversity, and this trend presents challenges as opportunities. It is better to be well informed in this area of knowledge in order to make the best decisions when dealing with workplace diversity. Managing diversity within organizations requires tremendous efforts since managing uniformity is relatively easier. There are many tangible benefits of managing diversity in a business world that requires it. More and more diversity is becoming more important due to the globalization process and the diversity in the marketplace of products and services that are aimed at a diverse audience. Hickman (n.d.) stresses that managing diversity is "more challenging, expensive, time consuming, demanding, stressful, and prone to fail". But it is a necessary task to tackle this challenge of managing workplace diversity. Even though uniformity is easier to manage, it has some important drawbacks as Hickman remarks: "an abundance of research and experience shows that organizations and work environments with high levels of required uniformity inevitably stifle creativity and innovation, retard initiative-taking, prevent widespread accountability for results, limit freedom to expand and create value, and weaken individual motivation, commitment and fulfillment." (Hickman, n.d.). On the other hand, a diverse organization can be much more creative and competitive when it is manager through a unified vision. According to Hickman, "Diversity must be carefully and constantly nurtured, because creating an organization is a lot like leveling ground. Both activities create new space where the initial staffing or first species will attempt to dominate and control diversity. The very act of establishing and staffing an organization begins a process of limiting diversity, unless diversity is genuinely valued and vigilantly nurtured." (Hickman, n.d.). So it is extremely important to nurture diversity in order to achieve the desired results of meeting the needs of a diverse marketplace, especially in the context of global markets. 2.- Importance of Workplace Diversity. Technological advances have permitted that many companies can have an international presence, and at the same time this means that new work environments are created with a diverse workforce in those nations. Human Resource departments shouldn't be biased according to gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, physical abilities, or nationality. According to (n.d.) "The only apparatus of judgment should be educational background, work experience and expertise. Differences may prevail on an interpersonal level due to inequality in personalities, work styles, communication styles, and organizational skills." Diversity policies should be implemented in an effective and meaningful way in the work environments. An obvious importance of such policies it that it creates synergy among its employees. So creativity can be fostered in a more intelligent and efficacious manner. states that "The end result of such diversity is a working environment that is inclusive. It is important for the HR

Saturday, February 1, 2020

What went wrong with LIBOR, EURIBOR, etc Assignment

What went wrong with LIBOR, EURIBOR, etc - Assignment Example A lot of cases involving misconduct among employees were reported. It is reported that Barclay derivative dealers made several requests to fix the currency rates. The Barclays traders would regularly call the Libor and Euribor traders asking for a specific rate. The liquidity concerns became high in the public domain. Part of this was contributed by the instant collapse of Northern Rock. Investigations were yet underway, but it was almost obvious that Barclays had played a role. At one point, senior treasury managers had to intervene to reduce publicity against Libor. It was later discovered that Libor submissions was being set unrealistically low. It was revealed by Barclay’s agent that they were underreporting as a means of trying to reduce the level of stigma against Libor. From these realizations, the litigation process began in the bid to unveil what was behind this. The matter was undertaken by officials from New York Federal Reserve Bank. The case proceeded up to 2012 when Barclays submitted to misconduct and the bank was fined about $60